
Badania naukowe

Najnowsze wiadomości na temat nadchodzących wydarzeń oraz relacje z ostatnich spotkań i projektów DAAD w Polsce.

  • Polsko-Niemieckie Spotkania Naukowe

    25 września br. zapraszamy na wykład Prof. Dr. Philippa Staaba pt."„The Rise of the Adaptive Society. Polycrisis, social transformation, and the politics we might get”"

  • Fundamental Academic Values Award

    Zapraszamy do nadsyłania zgłoszeń do nagrody "Fundamental Academic Values Award" skierowanej do młodych naukowców zajmujących się tematyką ochrony podstawowych wartości akademickich.

  • Green Hydrogen ERA Fellowships

    Trwa nabór do programu finansowania badań nad zielonym wodorem ERA Green Hydrogen Fellowships. Program skierowany jest do studentów studiów II stopnia, doktorantów i młodych naukowców (postdocs) ze wszystkich dziedzin naukowych zajmujących się szeroko  pojętym tematem zielonego wodoru i jego zastosowań.

  • Trwa nabór w programie Green Hydrogen

    Trwa nabór w programie finansowania badań nad zielonym wodorem ERA Green Hydrogen Fellowships. Stypendia skierowane są do studentów, doktorantów i młodych naukowców zajmujących się badaniami nad zielonym wodorem.

  • Wspólne projekty badawcze pomiędzy Polską a Niemcami

    Do 30 czerwca 2023 r. trwa nabór wniosków w konkursie na wspólne projekty badawcze pomiędzy Rzeczpospolitą Polską a Republiką Federalną Niemiec.

  • Polsko-Niemieckie Spotkania Naukowe

    16 marca 2023 r. zapraszamy na wykład prof. Tomasza Lipniackiego z Instytutu Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN pt.: „Viral invasions in tissues (and societies)” („Inwazje wirusowe w tkankach (i społeczeństwach)”).

  • France, Germany and Poland– the Weimar Triangle - on the path to a sustainable future

    27 września 2022 roku odbędzie się konferencja online "France, Germany and Poland– the Weimar Triangle - on the path to a sustainable future: Science and civil society together for a transformation towards climate neutrality".

  • Fundamental Academic Values Award

    DAAD ogłasza nabór zgłoszeń do nagrody "Fundamental Academic Values Award". Nagroda skierowana jest do naukowców na wczesnym etapie kariery, którzy wnoszą wkład w zachowanie i propagowanie podstawowych wartości akademickich, takich jak jak wolność i integralność akademicka, autonomia instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego, udział studentów i pracowników w zarządzaniu uczelnią oraz odpowiedzialność społeczna edukacji wyższej.



Oferty niemieckich uczelni


Get a truly international education!

Are you looking to study at a German university that will launch your international career? Join us at ESB Business School for a top-tier education!


Shaping Urban Futures: MBA in Building Sustainability at TU Berlin

Take the first step towards a rewarding and impactful academic journey and Join us now in shaping urban futures together! MBA in Building Sustainability in Urban Futures!


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!


Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!

Technical University Munich

Apply for the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship at TU Munich

Advance your research at the Technical University of Munich! The TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship 2025 offers 2-year funding for top international postdocs.


Study your way at Leuphana

Unlock your potential with forward-thinking study programmes at Leuphana University in Germany. Shape your future with interdisciplinary learning and global career opportunities!


New English-Taught Degree Programmes: B.Eng. Industrial Engineering & ...

The study programmes address students of all nationalities, offering an ideal opportunity to get to know “technology made in Germany”. Both degree programmes are additionally offered as work-integra...


English-taught Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at Hof University

Shape your future with our career-focused Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in English, featuring hands-on learning, internships, and strong industry connections!


Professional Master of Public Policy (MPP): Shape solutions for global...

Shape solutions for global policy challenges: A master’s program designed for young professionals.

University of Cologne

Study in English & Tuition-Free: Master’s in Cologne

Get a globally recognised Master’s degree taught in English. Join the University of Cologne to take your career to the next level — with no tuition fees!


Apply now for the Master’s program in European and International Law (...

Boost your career now and study European & International Law together with students from more than 30 countries.


Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...

The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...


Technical Engineering (B.Eng.): Start your career by studying at OTH A...

Would you like to pursue a career as an engineer? OTH Amberg-Weiden offers you the best opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Engineering degree at a leading German university.


Executive M.Sc. in Energy, Mobility, Production, Product Innovation, F...

Boost your career with an industry-oriented M. Sc. in Renewable Energies, Digital Transformation, Global Production, Innovation, Finance or Mobility. Taught in English in Germany!


Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) – an International Elite M.Sc. ...

Are you internationally-minded, motivated for interdisciplinary studies, and interested in cutting edge research topics of Bio- and Chemical Engineering & Materials Science? Come and join us!


Your Future in Engineering Begins at Carl Benz School!

Your path to success starts here! Study Mechanical Engineering at Carl Benz School, KIT with English-taught courses & tailored support


The University of Mannheim – your gateway to the world!

The University of Mannheim offers the perfect combination of top-ranked degree programs, international flair, and an ideal learning environment, right in the heart of Europe.



Zrzut ekranu mapy z zaznaczoną lokalizacją DAAD